It's been a year, y'all! Happy anniversary!
We're SLOWLY growing the YouTube channel and I hope you've been enjoying the content here and on social platforms as well. Thanks for the regular supporters! I hope to see more engagement as we go forward now that I've moved from Texas to Kentucky. (Yes, I'm STILL remodeling, unpacking & will now begin a new full time job Monday!).
We are still struggling with the Facebook group and website forum participation, however, so please remember to join in here, there and social media. Let me know what you'd enjoy in the group and so on. I do not currently have this modeled as a sub-4-sub style live streaming event or group, so that may be the reason for a lack of participation coupled with my moving and temporary posting hiatus. So except for that suggestion (no sub-4-sub ideas, please), I'm open to whatever you all may need, want or be entertained that is the main reason I wanted to create all this.
As to the Wavelength Wednesday live stream hiatus, this rural internet problem is ongoing and as such prohibits this option until that availability changes. So, with the exception of smaller stream shout-outs or announcements, I'll probably continue to replace that with the video uploads on various topics. Marketing Mondays will still have the floating option of either a video upload or social media/ blog post though.
"We rise by lifting others"- by Robert Ingersoll.
We all learn from each other while building relationships and gaining insight. As mentioned before, this group is not in competition with any other group and as a matter of fact, may actually collab with other similar groups on future projects. I think this quote sums it up best for my primary intention with Crafty Creators: "We rise by lifting others"- by Robert Ingersoll.
Please share your thoughts in the comments below, at the channel video and/ or social media! I'd love to hear from you. Craft on!
Happy 2nd anniversary, y'all! Craft on! Stay safe.