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Site Rules
Please be nice :)
No offensive content
No spreading of any copyrighted material
Admin decisions are final
No spamming or advertising
What is Crafty Creators about?Crafty Creators is a place for handmade artisans & video/ YouTube creators to help support each other by networking, sharing their film & editing knowledge, showcasing their skills, as well as participation in potential collaborations, etc. Those crafty creatives that make video tutorials of their handicrafts or showcasing their art form such as cake designers, crochet, knitters, jewelry designers, mixed media & graphic artists, painters, quilters, musicians, dancers, etc. Even if you are a, artisan, DIYer, hobbyist or crafter that does not film videos, you are still welcome to join the group. Please remember, however, there will be frequent channel posts and video showcasing opportunities. Absolutely no spamming of art sales or other groups though. Please be considerate and have fun!
What events will Crafty Creators have?Right now we plan to offer daily posts across all platforms which will be announced from the Facebook group, but may be housed, shared and/or participated additionally at Twitter, Instagram or YouTube: Marketing Mondays Top 10 Tuesdays Wavelength Wednesdays Livestreams Thrifty Thursdays Follow Fridays Saturday Showcases Support Sundays
Can I be a guest blogger, photographer or group administrator?"While Monica builds the platforms for the group, she is currently doing everything herself. As the group and platforms gain interest and grow, however, there will definitely be a need for skilled and helpful contributers. Please check out the contact page for more details and email links for each category. Thanks so much for your interest!
What kind of art categories do you accept at Crafty Creators?Most handmade arts, crafts and hobbies are acceptable, especially if the creator is filming tutorials on their process, specific projects, studio space or DIYs. Handcrafts that quickly come to mind are: Baking/ Cake Decoration Chef/ Cooking Crochet or Knitting Drawing (includes digital graphics) Floral Design Jewelry Making Leather Crafts Painting Sewing (includes fashion design) Woodworking Although the above are associated easily as handcrafted designs/items, there are other categories that we also consider part of the group due to their artistic nature in coming from the talents that people may have such as: Actors Dancers Makeup Artists Singers Performance Artists Photographers Tattoo Artists Videographers It boils down to this, if you create art in some capacity either with your hands, your mind, your voice, your body (G-rated for family friendly audiences, of course), etc. and you film videos of these artforms, then you can apply to join the Facebook group by answering the 3 questions there. If you don't film yourself performing or making tutorials, you are still welcome to join with the understanding that we are all trying to lend support to those with channels showcasing their talents while also networking, learning and growing. No spam sales though.
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