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Wavelength Wednesday- Group Insight

Writer's picture: rainbowkittysrainbowkittys

Welcome to our 1st Wavelength Wednesday, y'all! As we work to build this #craftycreators group, I will alternate the format for this between written posts and live streams. I'm currently prepping to go visit my peeps back east, so for the 1st couple of Wednesdays...they will probably be posts like this. Unless I get time to jump on live, but I'll probably wait to do that when back and if we get an audience building on the new channel.

What Does Wavelength Mean?

If you look at one of the definitions of wavelength, it refers to the way we think and communicate our ideas and feelings. As artistic people, we are exceptionally individualistic when it comes to our opinions, moods, feelings and just about everything. We vary in much the way that the crests of a wave differ or for a more artsy the ripples in the paint can while stirring a new batch. So, I thought Wednesdays might be a great day to have discussions about how we feel about things, what we might face in communicating to those we deal with personally and online.

Monica's Frequency this Week

I'll share a little bit of communication in how I've been feeling lately as a crafty creator. I've been feeling a tad overwhelmed trying to work on a backlog of jewelry making projects and some sponsor opportunities while trying to jump in and support channels. I've also continued to be frustrated with the various channel support groups as they deal with negativity issues. While I am still supporting those groups that are still active and showing engagement, I notice that after the initial contact is made...I never hear from most of those people again. Since I did not begin this support train as a sub-4-sub person (and all the groups I'm in make a point to emphasis NOT doing that behavior), this behavior has been discouraging. Especially when I'm constantly struggling with maintaining the dreaded watch time quota.

I had the idea to begin a group for crafty creators as a result of tons of extended drama in various groups, my own frustration with the drop off in continued support and a feeling that communication was lacking in the way of fostering a reason for people to bond over more than just subscriber count. In my opinion, the streams and events at other groups are amazing for helping those boost their sub count and some fleeting watch time as well as form a few actual friendships with those you feel a connection to. That said, there seemed to really be a need to expand what is available to those that stay connected. As a handmade artist that teaches, I'm constantly learning and growing my skills. So, I thought setting up a group for the handmade niche of crafty creators would give an added layer of benefit to those wishing for a like-minded connection through arts and crafts.

I want to make clear, however, that this group is in no way a competition with any of the other groups out there. I still participate when I can on my own and through the other groups' social media's and streams. I don't have the opportunity in many cases to attend streams, so I typically am late to the party and therefore the subscribing train during the chat has no value for me if I can't be there live. As a result, you tend to fall off the radar in people coming back to your channel and likewise for me, too.

With this handmade niche group opportunity, having a hub people can come to on their own time offers everyone the reduction of overwhelm for those like me who can't make it to live streams very often. It also builds a level of community that goes beyond subscription numbers and offers a place to get valuable (I hope) content via blog posts, forum discussions and news. This home is always open, no matter the time zone, which is another valuable benefit for those that can't make their favorite channel's or group's streams, etc.

Although it's been a bit overwhelming to set up all these platforms in the last 2 weeks, especially with certain tech and YouTube issues, I'm still excited to see where this path will lead. I honestly believe that those people seeking a more dedicated community to their particular art or craft will get a lot more satisfaction, interaction and therefore less overwhelm. All that, while still participating in whatever the other groups are offering, of course. This is just another layer of support, but mostly focused on longterm relationships and knowledge relative to each person's preferred art form or craft.

I believe you can benefit in different ways from all types of groups. If you're like me and want to have this additional opportunity for a more focused, organized and informed engagement in the handmade niche, then please do join and share with others. I hope this grows and becomes a great place to learn from each other as well as gaining support.

At the end of this novel, I want you to know that I feel hopeful that we can all communicate better to our fellow crafty creatives, thereby reducing the potential for negativity and stressful sub-4-sub behaviors. Please do continue whatever strategies you employ personally or in the various groups, as they do each have their own merits. We are not spreading any hate here and will welcome all handmade and performance artists, especially those that do film their craft. So, please pass the word.

Have a craft-acular day!

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